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Current resources related to behavioral threat assessment and management.


You have the power to help someone who may be on a path towards violence. We always encourage people to report concerning behavior to a trusted adult or resource.

Here are some additional resources:

1. Talk about it with someone you trust

(law enforcement, school official, 988, etc.)

Law Enforcement

School Official

2. Make a report

(Safe2Help, 888-580-NIAC, or your local reporting resource)

1. Talk about it with someone you trust

(law enforcement, school official, 988, etc.)

Law Enforcement

School Official

2. Make a report

(Safe2Help, 888-580-NIAC, or your local reporting resource)

1. Talk about it with someone you trust

(law enforcement, school official, 988, etc.)

Law Enforcement

School Official

2. Make a report

(Safe2Help, 888-580-NIAC, or your local reporting resource)


Describe who or what you saw


Describe when you saw it


Describe where it happened


Describe why it is suspicious


Describe who or what you saw


Describe when you saw it


Describe where it happened


Describe why it is suspicious

Highlighted Resources

Making Prevention a Reality

Making Prevention a Reality

Identifying, Assessing, and Managing the Threat of Targeted Attacks

Insider Threat Mitigation Guide

Insider Threat Mitigation Guide

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Clinicians as Consultants Toolkit Cover Image

Clinicians As Consultants Toolkit

Coming Soon!

speaker talking to classroom of adults

Threat Assessment Glossary

The Threat Assessment Glossary includes key terms in the threat assessment field and was created by: The Association of Threat Assessment Professionals; CRC Press, A Taylor Francis Group; and the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center.

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Project Partners

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Logo

Project Partners

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Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Logo

This project is a partnership between the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.

Training & Consultation